

Chief employers: There are different types in the sector-

  1. Global Strategy Consulting companies such as Bain & Company, McKinsey & Company, The Boston Consulting Group.
  2. Smaller houses such as Oliver Wyman, OC&C. c. c. The Big 4 Accountancy firms that also have large consulting businesses mainly focused on operational and business unit issues (Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC)
  3. The Technology Consulting giants such as Accenture, IBM and Cap Gemini. Operational and technology consulting firms are correlated as most operational issues have massive technological implications.

Consulting is fantastic for sociable folk, excited by networking across strata – whether industries, general masses or non-economic humanitarian structures.

Administrative Innovation, Commercial Counselling, Inventory Sequences and Feasible decision making are some of the various speciality consultancy alternatives on hand.

Strategy consultant firms help top business leaders solve their business ‘direction’ problems. They usually work with CEOs of large companies. Operational consulting companies focus on business units and operational issues and do similar work to Technology consulting companies.

The boundaries between Strategy, Operational and Technology Consulting companies are very fluid as they are all integrated and multifaceted.

On the Operational and Technology consulting spectrum, the focus is to deliver a scalable, business critical, end-to-end solutions. On the one hand, client goals affect a larger audience, and you will be involved in fruitful transformations, a big plus versus what may appear to be less glamorous than strategy advising.  In today’s technological revolution industrial focus, the convergence of social media, cloud, mobile, analytics and big data are providing the ground for enormous entrepreneurship and innovation.

Through the exhaustive propositions your clients give you, you will develop skills on the field and garner an in-depth knowledge of businesses, industries and technologies. The beauty of said enterprise is in transforming blueprints into real-world solutions by using interdisciplinary scholarship- a highly valued competency as you can apply concepts across fields.